Date: January 2014
Location: China, Guangdong, Foshan, Nanhai
Request: several wire drawing machines for better performance
Solutions: replacing existing equipment with a highly efficient wire drawing machine
Date: January 2014
We visited the production of the customer and got acquainted with the productive process.
Date: November 2014
Installation of a wire drawing machine set and commencement of assembly work in the manufacture of the buyer.

Date: October 2015
The second set of intermediate drawing machine was delivered to the customer's production.
Date: 2015 November
The second set of wire drawing machine was installed.
Date: January 2017
A new order for the 3rd and 4th set for drawing equipment was confirmed.
The existing system of drawing equipment was replaced and the productivity was doubled.
Date: April 2017
The third set of drawing equipment began its work in production.
Date: June 2016
The old model of wire drawing equipment was removed
The fourth line of wire drawing was installed on the customer's production.
All 4 sets of drawing equipment were installed in the production and started their work at the customer's factory.
After this, new equipment with high performance began its effective work.
1. high efficiency of the research and development department, reliable work.
2. Simple construction, bobbin transmission and extended equipment operation.
3. Creating a new reputation for Chinese equipment among customers.